In 2020, a global pandemic dramatically impacts the way of people social interacts with each other, it transforms human lives and industrial development toward new modes in terms of minimize losses that the world is suffering at the moment. Nonetheless, not all are negatives, it ferments unprecedented business modes and technology renovation to keep pushing forward evolution of mankind.
Online sales, one of the new marketing modes in the 21 centuries, becomes on the surge of E-commerce industry during this special time, it boosts unprecedented market demands with a tremendous growth, this requires a high warehousing shifting rate behind large deals of merchandise every day. Our newly developed Smart Stacking Crane is aiming to improve 60%~100% shifting rate of goods stored in rack rather than classic shifting method where mostly depends on manual shifting. This smart stacking crane integrates crane system, storage management & monitoring system, in zone safety & warning system, so entire course of goods searching, convey, restore are automated, by the time of improving shifting rate, the storage management system maintains a sleek goods storage process with zero recognition error. This smart stacking crane retain a high return to overall investment not only because of its high working efficiency, the combination of crane system and storage rack considerably increase utilization sections, reducing damage rate of goods at the same time.
Technical highlight:
Crane system: Pallet positioning, Anti-sway, HMI system, LAN network & back-stage server.
Storage management & monitoring system: WCS & WMS management, HQ code scan, management software, visual monitoring, wireless network system.
In zone safety & warning system: Working area safety management, sidewalk safety management, crane pathing safety management.
Tel: +86 373 8622077