Two-Stack Vertical Smart Parking Garage

Number of parking: up to 50 

Way of accessing: automatic smart access

Way of parking: visual central console, APP on smartphone

With ever crowded traffic condition in metropolitan cities around the world, it's a challenge for motor vehicle
gathering and parking in one place like office building, hospital, shopping mall where there is limited space
for parking or no pre-built underground parking lot. Our new generation two floor stack smart parking building
is developed to resolve this parking problem so as to relief traffic pressure in cities, with smart accessing
interface as well as clear-view LED screen, this new smart parking solution can improve accessing efficiency 
in exchange of a swift parking or take away motor vehicle for individuals. 


                                                                                ■   High effective shifting rate of parking or taking away cars within 90 secs.

                                                                                ■   Independent car access room with multi-safety devices to keep individual safe during whole accessing time. 

                                                                                ■   User can read available parking spot on LED screen monitor in real time. 

                                                                                ■   User select parking spot through a central console after car properly parked in access room, 

                                                                                                   or select parking spot from APP on smartphone.

                                                                                ■   Strong adaptivity, structure formation of parking building is able to customize for various site conditions.

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