Number of parking: 4 cars in two floors/ 6 cars in three floors
Car accessing: automatic smart access
Way of parking: central console, APP on smartphone
Garage style: open no-hide with sun roof, closed with access gate
■ One garage support 4 cars parking in two floors or max 6 cars in three floors.
■ Car accessing through intelligent elevation beam, elevation beam can randomly extract or place platform-
from either side with or without cars.
■ Once for parking, elevation beam extract platform to the floor in front of garage according to self-positioning-
system, then it automatically takes the platform with car back into place by giving an order for the second time.
■ Garage equipped various safety protections of anti-falling, self-lock when power loss, system-lock in case-
human stray onto platform.
■ 0.07kw low power consumption for every operation cycle.
Tel: +86 373 8622077